Heard of a lash lift? Yep, me neither until quite recently. My waxing girl, who is an absolute genius, has being offering lash lifts for an age. A creature of habit, it took me the last couple of months to garner up the courage and try a lift for myself.
You see, I am a dedicated follower of the church of eyelash extensions, and so deep is my faith, that I didn’t believe in any other lash school of thought. Perfect example of the dramatic side of my personality, that lives synonymous with my glamour girl lashes for days. With some arm twisting, waxing extraordinaire convinced me to take a walk on the wild side. I decided to be brave.
The treatment itself is a lot more relaxing than extensions, which can at times be somewhat uncomfortable. The lash lift itself is a modern day perm with a twist. The experience started with an eye shape and lash assessment, and a cooling eye cleanse. Silicone rods were then used to give a natural uplifting effect from the root of the lash. Then a tint was applied, which was carefully tailored to my hair colour and tone. An eye bath and head massage finished off the treatment.
I approached the mirror with trepidation, but was wonderfully surprised with the results. My lashes had obvious added length and curl, yet keeping a natural feel. The treatment really opened up my eyes too, which was an added bonus. For those who love to feel natural, this is an excellent way to enhance without overpowering a look. For falsie lovers like myself? Let’s just say this treatment has converted me. Goodbye spider lashes, it was fun while it lasted.
Ange at Let’s Glow Darwin offers the Lash Lift experience, and she is a lash goddess!
Image VIA www.spraytandarwin.com