Is The Future Of Makeup In 3D Printing?

A printer that is able to print any type of makeup in any colour you like. Watch the video including the demonstration of an eyeshadow being printed and decide for yourself, will this hurt the beauty industry or could this potentially change how we perceive makeup? Grace Choi, a talented student formerly from Cornell university and now a Business student at Harvard university not only has an incredible academic background but she has also come up with an innovative way to “play” with makeup.

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Her innovation the “Mink” printer, enables you to select a range of colours that you fancy over the inter webs for your own disposal. Once you’ve selected a colour of your choosing. Mink allows you to print your makeup in the flesh. The makeup is said to contain raw materials unlike other commercialised makeup. So far, Choi and her team are currently working on other types of makeup including eyeliner, lipstick and liquid foundation.

Aside from makeup itself, this introduction of 3D printing to the beauty industry could mean that technology is going to be more relevant even in our day to day lives including the most trivial pursuits of preening oneself. The future is now!



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