Floatation therapy has been doing the rounds for some time. I didn’t give it much thought before but with such an emphasis now on reducing stress levels in our lives, I have resurrected my interest. Flotation therapy is similar to the experience of being cocooned in the womb; or so they say. Not sure how anyone can recall their pre-birth experience in order to be sure, but I decided to give the experience the benefit of the doubt.
The Experience
The floatation therapy itself takes place in an almost space like capsule, that is sometimes womb shaped. The water is highly salt concentrated, and you immerse yourself in it. The idea is that you bob nicely on the surface, with only your face kept dry. Once the top is closed over, the darkness, silence and warmth is supposed to provide you with the ultimate relaxation. They were not lying; this is an incredible experience of peace and inner calm. For those who do not like very small spaces, there is of course the option of leaving the top down, but it is better to give the full shebang a go. Some spas filter in some therapeutic melodies throughout the treatment, while others believe quiet is music to the ears.
Once the treatment is over, it is a nice idea to treat yourself to a relaxing day and an early night, to get the full benefit. For those with trepidation, Groupon often run offers for discounted floatation therapies around the city. Try it next time instead of the usual massage. You will not look back.
Image VIA www.theprivatesea.com.au