There’s no other reliable bag like the tote. It comes in all different sizes to perfectly match your outfit, it fits all your stuff in it and doesn’t get misshapen when you put your things in it, unlike that soft clutch you bought.
Totes are fabulous for work and play because they allow you to comfortably carry them around, and we all know how heavy a girl’s handbag can get.
Totes are often associated with summer. They’re fun and there’s plenty of space for your beach towel to fit in and not look like you’ve smuggled a small animal in there. But you can also add a tote to your winter outfit to stuff your scarves and beanies into when you get a little overheated.
Totes are also a great idea for the busy gal on the go to needs to carry her laptop or tablet around. Some totes are specially designed to include a laptop compartment and others are big enough to comfortable fit your device. We’ve picked out some of the best totes for you to get your hands on this season, including this adorable tote from Reese Witherspoon’s new line for Draper James.
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