Airport Style Now Required For Qantas Lounge Dress Code

qantas airport lounge dress code

Qantas has caused a stir amongst its passengers, by introducing an enforced dress code to their domestic business lounges. Reserved for business and first class passengers and frequent flyers, the lounges at airports are often quite exclusive and require some amount of membership fee.

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Recently, Qantas introduced a dress code to all their lounges in Australia, cracking down on those who enter looking a little slobbish. While it may seem a bit harsh, it has come from numerous complaints made by lounge members about people who do not dress appropriately.
qantas airport lounge dress code
Vanessa Hudgens
Crop tops, thongs, bare feet and singlets are out, as Qantas staff try to have their lounges stay a respectable place and will deny entry to those not dressed appropriately. Work uniforms and high visability wear, however, will still be accepted after the policy takes place on April 1st.
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Qantas maintain that their rules are no different to that of a bar or restaurant, and stand by their decision to enforce this policy. By being a member of these lounges, you agree to certain terms and conditions and this is one of them. The Qantas lounge dress code is for the benefit of all travellers looking their best.
qantas airport lounge dress code
Nicole Richie
The new policy is a great idea for keeping things classy within lounges and encouraging people to look respectable. Dressing to go on a plane, whether it’s for work or pleasure, should be no different to how you dress when you go out to lunch. Airport style has so much to offer other than tracksuit pants and thongs and you can change into pyjamas when you’re actually on the plane, if that’s something you want to do. Wearing a respectable outfit makes you feel better and look better, and gives you a great outfit to wear when you get off at your destination.
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