The New Year’s Resolutions You Should Actually Stick To

2016, new year's resolutions, resolutions you should keep

By now, most of us have given up on our New Year’s resolutions for 2016, but there are a few goals that we should still try to achieve throughout the year.

MORE: Why We Would Start Our New Years Resolutions Now

They’re important for a balance and organised lifestyle and they’re probably on your to-do list, so just get them done.

Refining your closet

This is a big one that we should all aim to do for ultimate style and ease of dressing. 2016 should be the year of absolutely killing it in the style stakes, so get rid of all the things that don’t look good, that don’t fit or that are just downright ugly. Start to really think when you shop and invest in versatile pieces can be used in at least 3-4 different outfits and will stay on trend for more than a season.

Motto: Just because it’s on sale, doesn’t mean it looks good.

Taking care of your beauty

2016 is the year of actually removing your makeup before you fall asleep. It’s the year of drinking enough water. It’s also the year of taking care of your hair through thoughtful colouring and proper treatments as well as the year of giving your skin the moisture and hydration that it needs. Getting your beauty needs on track is going to help you big time.

Motto: Beauty starts from the inside out.

Getting healthy

You don’t need to drink green juices and workout for 2 hours per day to get fit and healthy. Take it slowly and cut the crap out of your diet, focusing on getting lots of fruits, veg and lean meats into your diet. Try to be active in some way everyday for 40 minutes to an hour and you’ll start to see great changes in your bod.

Motto: You can’t outrun a bad diet.

See more places

Seeing more of the world is a very important resolution to keep, whether it’s somewhere across the other side of the planet, or in your own country. Exploring new places is a great way to learn about different cultures and customs in the world and to open up your own perspectives. Not to mention it gives you some serious motivation to save money and spend it on something that matters.

Motto: The world is a book and those who don’t travel read only one page.

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