How To Wear: 1970s Trends

70s summer trend

The 70’s are back! And while some of you are probably cringing at the thought of overly flared jeans, bold colour and floral combinations, let’s just address the fact that there were definitely some fashions gems that we can take away from that era. Some 70’s trends have been revived

How To: Perfect The Art Of Wearing Eyeliner

Eyeliner is one of those makeup steps that people find frustratingly difficult to master when they first begin practising. But properly applied eyeliner can have the magical ability to reshape the eye and create a variety of different effects to adjust your overall appearance. In this article, we’ll show you

Tips And Tricks To Erase Dark Under-Eye Circles

So you’ve had your 8-hour beauty sleep, cut down on your unhealthy habits and did the whole de-puffing cucumber trick. But you still inevitably get the dreaded (and frankly unnecessary) comment that can dampen your whole day – “you look tired today”. Gee, thanks. 7130

How To: Get Your Eyebrows On Point

There are two types of people in this world – those who are blessed with full, thick eyebrows (Cara, we’re looking at you!) and those with eyebrows that need a little help. I definitely belong to the latter group. With sparse, slow-growing and lightly coloured eyebrows, I’ve become somewhat of

How To Nail Off-Duty Style

How To: Off Duty Style

Having a killer off duty style is almost as important as having a killer on duty style. Who are we kidding, it's just as important. While celebrities have an off duty style from their usual glam attire, us normal folk should have an off duty style that says, 'hey, it's time to

Trend Talk: Sneakers With Skirts Are In

The sneakers and skirts trend has been gaining momentum for quite some time, staying in the trend lists throughout the seasons. Is it possible that the world may finally be recognising that heels for an all day and all night scenario are super painful? Or maybe it's because the sneakers with

Plaid Power: How To Style Tartan

How To Style Plaid

One of the most retro trends that we have seen come back into style has got to be plaid. Flannelette shirts, tartan skirts and plaid accessories have been hitting stores and wardrobes across the world. Celebrities have come on board the trend too, with Chloe Moretz rocking a cut-out plaid blouse