3 iPhone Apps To Get You Fit

fitness, apps, iphone

It's that time of year again. Summers crept up on us and some of us may still be wondering when that motivation is about to kick in. Here are three free iPhone apps that will help get you back into action. 13299

Healthy Ice Cream? We Have The Recipe

strawberry nice cream

If you’re someone who follows a strict diet and has a workout program that you follow, it is hard to fit in desserts. Not to mention that they are a big no-no. But here’s a little secret that we will share with you. It is homemade ice cream that is fat-free,

Fitness Fibs vs Fitness Facts

Emily Skye

There's so much talk about clean eating, interval training and deciphering what is right for your body that it's easy to get confused. So we went to one of Australia's top personal trainers to help us weed out the truth from the myth. 5973

Best Spring Picnic Spots In Sydney

Whale Beach, Sydney

Make the most of the beautiful spring weather (in Sydney) and spend this weekend picnicking at a picturesque location with some of your best friends. That's what I certainly intend to do – and here are some of my favourite spots. 7452

6 Ways To Stay Healthy This Season

workout, fitness, winter, health, wellness

With the winter months approaching, it’s easy to settle in, hibernate and pack on the winter kilos. However, this isn’t good for your mental or physical health, let alone your waist line. To combat this, we’ve put together a list of six helpful hints to help you stay lean and

The Many Uses Of Coconut Oil

Growing up and being from a Fijian-Indian background, the benefits of coconut oil has always been presented to me by my parents. When I was younger, my mum and grandma would every so often oil up my hair. I hated it because no other kids my age did this. Little

10 Great Reasons To Exercise More

exercise, why you should work out,

Winter is definitely coming and with cold weather comes neglected workout routines. But you shouldn't pass up that morning jog or yoga session because exercise has so many benefits! So here's a little motivation to invest in some awesome winter workout wear and get the to gym. 1687

Fast-Track Your Bikini Body

Miss Nutrition, Rhiannon Harris

With the warmer months ahead it’s time to get our bikini bodies ready! Yes, exercise is an amazing way to get bodies in shape and build strength, resilience and bone density – however, it is important that we complement our program and consume a balance of vitamins and supplements to

How To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Long-term fitness goals are ones that include living healthier, lowering your BMI (body mass index) or cholesterol and making lifestyle changes. If you want to lose 10kg, it's your long-term commitments that will get you there. 5608