Latest Fitness Craze: Piloxing


Piloxing has finally made its way to Australia! Wondering what exactly it is? Well, it's a new kind of cardio fusion workout incorporating cutting edge research and fitness techniques to burn maximum calories, build lean muscles, and increase stamina – and, as the name suggests, is a unique mixture of Pilates

Let’s Get (Stylishly) Physical

rita ora, adidas, athleisure, sport, fitness, active wear

Let's face it. It's hard enough to get motivated to even think about going to the gym sometimes, let alone try and figure out what your outfit options are. The days of wearing oversized tees and baggy leggings on the treadmill are numbered however, as sportswear turns luxe. With celebrities

How To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Long-term fitness goals are ones that include living healthier, lowering your BMI (body mass index) or cholesterol and making lifestyle changes. If you want to lose 10kg, it's your long-term commitments that will get you there. 5608

Why Running Is Great For Your Health

Hitting the pavement or the treadmill comes with an array of health benefits that are easily achievable with a little persistence. We all know it comes hand in hand with weight loss trends, but did you know it also benefits almost every part of your body and mind? 5388

How To Cope With Body Dramas

Body Drama Weight

I am completely obsessed with my weight and finding innovative ways to shed it. I am also completely fanatical about eating. Unfortunately these two love affairs have failed to find a healthy symbiotic relationship with each other in my life. Rather they have caused chaos and havoc on my body

Work It In Gym Style

Gym Style Fashion

Looking the part in the gym is becoming as important as getting dolled up for a night out. In fact, fitness fashion is an integral component of today's capsule wardrobe. Combining comfort and durability with style is not an easy feat but we have a couple of tips to see you

Fitness Friday: Skip Yourself Slim

Skipping Fitness Exercise

In order to burn 2 pounds a week which equates to about a kilo you need to burn off 500 calories a day more than you take in. Sounds confusing? Well, it is really not. Let’s say you are a woman of moderate proportions with a calorie intake of 1500

Sydney’s Top 10 Fun Running Trails

running, running festival, bay run, Sydney, running tracks, fitness

We've been getting into the fitness vibe here lately and have discovered Sydney has a whole lot to offer (especially when the sky is blue and the sun is shining). And so, in preparation for the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival on Sunday, September 21, we thought a look at the

Buy It Now: Best Of Activewear

activewear, fit, healthy

If you're like us, you'll know that to get motivated for a workout, you first have to go shopping for some killer workout clothes to make you feel good before you even hop on the treadmill. 1024