There is probably no better feeling in the world then online shopping from the comfort of your own bed. It is an astonishingly long time since I have set foot in an actual store.
Style is so much more flexible these days, and the rule book has been flung out the window with regards to a lot of previous no go looks. Remember blue and green never to be seen? Well, I have had serious fashion envy for some chicks rocking the shades simultaneously.
The fashion industry is experiencing a renaissance of late, with many dying trends rising again. Military style is everywhere, and can be attributed to the Kardashian clan, primarily Kylie. Her Instagram is adorned with ghetto fashion, RnB beats and army style.
Ladies, have you ever felt hopeless when trying to choose a awesome stylish trendy outfit for work but just have no idea where to start? Don't despair. Looking good for work whilst sticking to the professional office dress code is easier than it seems.
Want a valid excuse for shopping? Well here it is! Fair trade fashion can help the environment, provide a sustainable way of life for people in developing countries and take children out of forced labour. That sounds like a triple threat if ever there was one!
The choker is like a boomerang, flying back and forth in the fashion look book. This trend reared its head in 2014 and was put to bed soon after. It has made a comeback yet again, which tells us two things.
Jumpsuits have made a fashion comeback in the last few years. Everyone in the clique knows this. The jogger jumpsuit however, holds a more elusive place in the lookbook. Is it socially acceptable to wear all-in-one sweats in public? We have the trend locked down. Watch and learn, girls.
This cute
Is it ever ethical to wear real fur? Taking the skin off a dead animal to keep warm is a primal instinct, but taking it off for fashion is a little bit wrong. Instead of wearing faux fur to feed your inner Cruella de Vil, the fashion label Petite Mort
There's a magic about travel that fuels our dreams and inspires us to explore new worlds and put our lives on hold while we go on new adventures. Unfortunately, not all of us can be on holidays all the time, but we're always planning our next getaway, whether it be