It’s going to be a long hot summer and, while a tan can be one of our favourite accessories, the damage the sun is doing to our skin is certainly not on-trend.
We buff and polish our nails, style and protect our hair and have our favourite pieces of clothing looked after and dry-cleaned, but what are we doing to save our body’s largest (and most visible) organ – our skin?
It’s hard to truly understand the real effects of the sun’s rays on our particularly fragile bodies when we can’t see the result – apart from nasty sunburn, that is!
That’s why NIVEA took to the beaches recently to highlight exactly what the harmful rays are doing to sun-lovers’ skin and the results were both scary and amazing.
Creating a barrier between those damaging rays and your skin is crucial to caring for your body, fighting against premature ageing and protecting yourself against sun damage and sunburn – and NIVEA SUN is your best defence.
Your skin deserves the highest possible protection of broad-spectrum SPF30 UVA and UVB filters to make sure your body is not being sacrificed for the sake of some summer fun.
NIVEA SUN is a winner because it’s light on the skin so you barely notice how hard it is working to protect you against sunburn and premature skin ageing. It combines a highly effective UVA/UVB system with an extra light formulation that is absorbed into the body really quickly without leaving residue on the skin.
Take care out there, give care out there and enjoy a long, hot summer!
This post has been sponsored by NIVEA SUN, but all thoughts are our own.