Our Insta-Fabulous Faves

instagram, social media

The style etcetera girls like Instagram. Actually, like is a bit of an understatement. We LOVE Instagram.Not only does it get us up close and personal with global superstars, but it also gives us access all areas to some style setters we never even knew about. Between fashion, beauty and fitness , insta-followers have a feast to fest on. Not to mention all the food porn. We take a look at some of the well known – and unknowns that are worth a follow.

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Mismatched_Made_In Heaven

Like all great things in life, Mismatched Made In Heaven was accidentally stumbled upon. An Irish chick living in London who has a mystifying super power in taking some damn good vertical fashion photography. She also has London style nailed down. Her style is simple, but not in the overused fashion snob sense. It is simple, in its simplest terms. Denim is a staple, as are scarves; absolute musts in the harsh England chill. It is how she presents these wares, with costume jewellery, cute pumps, or a simple floral edition, that has us captivated.The love for this instagrammer comes down to her ability to capture ethereal beauty in the rawest of ways; all faceless, which drives home the point that style is not synonymous with our skin. If you do one thing today, make it to follow this bird.
Sexy Food

Food Porn Share is pretty self explanatory. Like your guilty crush, these insta-pics are so alluring, you feel your heart racing, and your breath shallowing. Up close, you realise you are in trouble. Really deep trouble. Look but don’t touch, is one saying that springs to mind when eye-balling this page. Its all fun and games until you actually decide to make the Apple Cider Sandwich Donut. Approach with caution.
Gigi Has It

Gigi Hadid is the girl of the moment. Plus she is face of the iconic Aussie brand Seafolly. Its clear to see why; she is the ultimate poster girl for the Australian beachy way of life. Even if she is American. Her Instagram is the stuff of envy; her beauty is flawless and she wears fashion with eclecticism. If none of this makes you sparkle, she also teamed up with the gorgeous Calvin Harris in his latest music video. Serious. Chick. Envy.

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