In order to burn 2 pounds a week which equates to about a kilo you need to burn off 500 calories a day more than you take in. Sounds confusing? Well, it is really not. Let’s say you are a woman of moderate proportions with a calorie intake of 1500 a day. In order to be on track to blitzing a pound or 2 of blob weekly, you need to be burning off 2000 calories each day.
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So now that we have the maths sorted let’s look at what this means for our body. The good news is our body burns off about 60 to 70 per cent of our intake just by performing our normal daily activities. This is music to our ears and leaves us with about 600 calories a day to actively try and rid ourselves off. There are many options; pounding away on the treadmill or doing laps of the pool. Style Etcetera has found a rather ingenious way of fighting the flab fast.
Grab yourself a skipping rope, a bottle of water and a space that is open and not too confined that passers-by will get a lash of the rope. Skipping burns an incredible 10-12 calories a minute, about 600 in an hour. Its fun, its cheap and just 10 minutes a day will aid you in burning off the chips and choccies you ate at lunch. Set yourself small daily goals and build up as you start to feel more confident. Your heart and your tummy will thank you for it.
Image Via dreamstime.com
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