Pole dancing isn’t only for shady strip clubs where the only benefit is earning a little cash. It’s also an incredibly good workout and can help improve your overall health and wellbeing.
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Both your inner sexiness and body shape\ will thank you for testing out this new trend. Although, one of the best parts about this new workout is that it’s fun! The calories will shed of your thighs while you’re busy having a blast and help give you some serious fitness motivation in time for summer. The benefits of pole dancing include:
It burns calories
It’s a fantastic isometric and cardiovascular exercise in one, burning a many calories as an intense 30-minute calisthenics and aerobics session. It works every muscle in your body and is a great weight loss tool.
It builds confidence and evaporates stress
Confidence isn’t only about your state of mind, losing weight and toning your muscles makes you confident in your own skin and will actually make you stand taller and improve your posture. The pole skills you learn will be easily transferred into your everyday life. Then, like most forms of exercise, it burns your body’s stores of adrenaline and gives you a sense of euphoria. A build up of adrenaline in your body helps trigger depression and other emotional disorders, burning of this energy will work wonders for your emotional wellbeing making you an overall happier person.
It’s good for your bones and joints
Joint pain is a serious ongoing infliction for a lot of people. Women are in the high-risk category for developing osteoporosis later in life. Developing strong bones and joints while you’re young significantly reduces your risk and pole dancing puts very little strain on your joints with less wear and tear than running and other forms of cardio.
Helps with childbirth
This one often goes unknown, but pole dancing creates strong back and abdominal muscles that minimise back pain during pregnancy and actually helps you have a smoother less painful childbirth.
Pole dancing is definitely a fun and effective form of exercise. It may seem a little far fetched or be out of your comfort zone, but it’s worth the risk.
Image via ninemsn.com.au