Chipped nails can be kind of gross, painful, and super bad when you’re trying to grow your nails. Plus they make nail polish chip easier. Flaky nails are totally annoying, so there’s got to be a way to fix this, right?
New year means new perfumes, right? So right! When you come into a new year, you need a few new scents to go with your new goals. You can change your whole mood with the spray of your favourite perfume, so it's time to pick some good ones.
I have to confess that I’ve been one of those people that has worn makeup to the gym from time to time. Not a full face of foundation or a full on glam look, but a bit of concealer here or there (to cover up those late nights) and maybe
Dry shampoo is probably one of the best hair products ever invented. I mean, how great is it that with a few spritz, we can eliminate grease from our hair and keep it looking clean and fresh?
It’s super important that we clean our makeup brushes. Not only does bacteria built up inside the bristles (we don’t want that on our face!), but the brush performs better once it’s cleaned and back to its natural shape.