If you have a holiday lined up, at some point you'll find yourself asking: When is the best time to exchange money? It's always a bit of a hit and miss when it comes to deciding when to do it.
We all know how important it is to make sure we're hydrated through out our day, however for many it can be hard reaching that 'eight glass a day' target.
All Christmas enthusiasts know how stressful it can be deciding what to buy for your loved ones. Do I get them something sentimental? Do I get something funny? Something useful? Or something you like just so you can use it?
The heat is beating down on Australia now! When your exposing your skin and body to such extreme temperatures it's important you're taking the time to look after yourself.
Whether it's a two hour flight or a nine hour flight – if you've opted out of the luxury of having a TV screen because you spent a little too much on cocktails and clothes, then you've got a lot of time on your hands.
While each of us have different dietary intakes and needs, it's important to understand that food is fuel for our bodies. We need to be putting the right fuel into our body before working out to maximise our potential.