5 Reasons Why Cold Showers Are Better For Us

5 Reasons Why Cold Showers Are Better For Us

There is nothing quite like a hot shower. It warms us up in the winter, soothes our skin when we’re cold, and feels great just in general. Hot showers feel great, but did you know they can be more harmful than good?

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Hot water is damaging for our skin and especially our hair. If you can handle a little bit of some chill, then here are five great reasons why cold showers are the way to go!

5 Reasons Why Cold Showers Are Better For Us

  1. Helps burn fat. Cold showers can actually assist in weight loss. The cold water stimulates the good fat we have in our bodies (the fat that keeps us warm). When this fat is stimulated, it works to burn calories and energy.
  2. Improves circulation. Cold water helps the circulation in our bodies, which helps combat problems with the skin and heart. Circulation also helps our overall health and heart – this gives us a stronger immune system.
  3. Hydrates skin. While hot water dries our skin out, cold water does the opposite. Cold water is better on our pores and cuticles, and prevents them from getting clogged. It also stops our skin from getting striped of its natural oils – this keeps us more hydrated.
  4. Helps hair. Cold water is great for our hair because it makes it shinier, stronger, and healthier. Cold water also flattens our hair follicles which reduces frizz.
  5. Wakes you up. Cold showers are the perfect way to wake you up in the morning. Hot showers will make you drowsier, while cold showers will shock your body awake and increase your alertness. There won’t be a need for a coffee in t
    he morning once you’ve had a cold shower!

5 Reasons Why Cold Showers Are Better For UsImages via popsugar.com.au, wikihow.com

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