Start going to the gym. Quit sugar. Make more ‘me’ time. Stop wasting time on YouTube watching cat videos (hopefully that’s not just me). You know it’s the 1st of January when everyone starts making promises to themselves about improving or changing certain areas of their lives.
MORE: Why We Should Start Our New Years Resolutions Now
Something that always seems to get overlooked however, is the style department. What you wear, your shopping habits and your fashion knowledge are all integral parts in determining who you are. So it only makes sense to want to reassess these areas the same time you are reevaluating every other aspect of your life. This is where we can help you.
Here are our top fashion resolutions to ensure that 2015 is your most fashion savvy year to date. We want to help you look good, feel educated about the style choices you are making, and be aware of the fashion world around you. And the best part is, you don’t have to stop eating chocolate to achieve any of this!
Clean out your closet with every change of season
This is vital to ensuring your clothes remain current, on-trend and don’t get forgotten about. As each season comes to a close, take it as an opportunity to have a good, hard look at what’s in your wardrobe. We often only wear about one third of the items in our wardrobe, and if there are things in your drawers that haven’t seen the light of day since 2010, let alone three months prior, it’s time to let them go. Don’t be afraid to make some harsh decisions either, while clothes often hold sentimental value and are attached to fond memories, getting rid of them doesn’t mean deleting the memories. More space in the wardrobe also means more space to refill it – and that’s exactly what we like to hear.
Invest in smart, classic pieces
Just because you have all this new found space though, doesn’t mean stuffing it with a multitude of random fashion pieces, as this completely cancels out all your hard work from resolution one. We don’t know how many times we’ve heard this gem, but investing in classic pieces is ESSENTIAL. It’s a resolution you should make every year; buy quality over quantity when it comes to significant wardrobe items and you will always have something appropriate to wear. These must have’s should include: a pair of jeans, a little black dress, a blazer, a white shirt, a striped tee and a great pair of heels. Put money into these timeless baby’s and we can guarantee they will last you a lifetime.
Have fun with fashion
It’s important not to let what others think dictate your own personal style. Fashion is about having fun with everything that is on offer, and if that means trying on a pair of culottes because you think they’re cute, or even testing out a crop top – go for it. With so much seriousness in the world, the least you can do is get excited about your style choices. It doesn’t hurt to try something new, otherwise you might never discover that the jumpsuit is your ultimate fashion calling, or that you can actually pull off an ear cuff. You are the only person that decides what you want to wear, and anyone that passes judgement clearly needs to make some personal improvement resolutions of their own. Your fashion sense is an extension of yourself, so make it the most confident, vibrant and compelling version.
MORE: Trend Talk:Crushing On Culottes
Learn about fashion
Achieving the most fashionable installment of yourself might take a little education though. This is why an important resolution to keep is to be continuously learning about fashion, style, trends and collections. It certainly doesn’t hurt to have an idea about what colours suit you, what shapes are most flattering for your body, and whether or not you’re a heels or flats kind of girl. By staying aware of the latest flash trends, you can avoid investing in something that you will only ever wear once, and if you follow the latest runway collections and fashion week forcasts you can start mentally planning for your future wardrobes. Understanding fashion doesn’t mean being a slave to it, but knowing your Prada from your Portmans might just give you that edge in the fashion stakes.
If you follow these resolutions we can promise you an infinitely more stylish new year; filled with smart shopping choices, outfits to die for and a new, fresh approach to all things fashion related. These are actual resolutions that commit you to going shopping, what more could you want?
images via: singlemindedwoman.com, thebudgetfashionista.com, chronicleherald.com