It’s time to turn up the heat, literally. It’s that time of year again when the days start getting longer and the sun comes out to lighten our days and darken our skin. The best part of this is holidays! Uni and school is out for the year, workplaces start preparing to close of for Christmas and we’re all starting to plan our summer vacations.
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The first step to having an awesome summer is an epic bucket list but sadly many of us make the list of everything we want to do, then it gets thrown aside because we get too busy with life. Life, it’s that annoying thing that seems to get in the way of our dreams, well the good news is embracing your dreams can be your life if you just let it.
So, to master your bucket list there’s two really simple steps to follow:
- Make your bucket list
- Do everything on your bucket list
No, I’m not being condescending and yes, I am being serious, it’s that easy and here’s why.
We often live our lives caught up in fear or stuck in our usual comfortable routines. This is easy, doing what we know and holding ourselves back, but it’s no where near as fulfilling as taking up the motto ‘anything can happen.’ A bucket list is a physical representation of this and yes it may be scary, but so what? When was the last time you achieved something fantastic when you weren’t worried? It comes with the territory.
If you want to jump out of a plane, write it down, then book it in, and tick it off. It doesn’t need to be that extreme, if you want to eat that giant ice cream sundae from your favourite cafe, forget your waistline for a day and eat that damn ice cream! You’ll probably feel sick afterwards but at least you want be constantly eye balling it on the menu thinking what if?
Summer is a time to have fun and kick of your constricting shoes in place for some bare foot fun. Don’t waste it dreading work and school going back, make the most of it.
Image via tumblr.com