What It’s Like To Live with Chronic Illness

Chronic Illness

Last year I had a breakdown. For  weeks, I hid in the confines of my room and stealthily avoided phone calls, text messages and lunch dates. Nobody knew it was happening, except for work, my doctor and my boyfriend. It is so easy to hide behind a text message and

The Waste Of Worry


Worry has long been a companion in my life. Worry, I imagine accompanies many people day-to-day. The reason for its existence are variable. In my story, I believe it is an emotion that has locked itself into my psyche as a form of self-preservation. 17607

R U OK? Be Aware Of Depression

Depression Mental Health Health

Depression is starting to get the attention it deserves as the world opens its arms more to the idea that mental illness is a real, very tangible disease. We still have some way to go though and the recent death of Robin Williams has opened a window to the people

Tips To Banish The (Monday) Blues

depression, lifestyle tips, diet advice, wellness, health, nutrition, mental health

We all know that a diet laden with French fries, baked goods and ice cream can lead to obesity, diabetes and a myriad of other health problems as we get older, but did you know that eating junk food everyday will not just pollute your body but also your mind. Nutritionist, naturopath and