Asian Beauty Hacks

Asian Beauty Hacks

Asia has some of the best skincare in the world, and they’re way ahead of western society in the beauty department. Korea and Japan especially are known for their innovation in beauty and have some of the best products on the market. 16573

4 Mascara Hacks Every Girl Should Know

4 Mascara Hacks Every Girl Should Know

I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like my makeup is finished until I’ve finally topped it off with mascara. Our lashes play are a huge part in opening up our eyes, making our face look brighter, and giving us that overall glam look. That’s why we need to

Our Top 5 All-Time Beauty Hacks

In an ideal world, we would have all the time in the world to look primed and polished before we leave the house. But with busy schedules and hectic lifestyles, every person needs to know easy shortcuts to fixing beauty problems in seconds. Here are our top 5 beauty hacks

Is Strobing The New Contouring?

In the world of beauty and social media, everyone and their mother has seen, heard about or tried contouring at some point. Chiselled cheekbones, slender noses and deep-set eyes are all now achievable through using cream and powders to create shadows and bring dimension to the face. But for most

Beauty Hacks For A Natural Look

natural cara

Ditch the whole contour and highlighting trend and show off your natural facial features instead. The iconic natural look normally seems like it takes a crazy amount of time and products. But we will share with you some tips and tricks to bring out the best in you. 9804

How To: Get Kylie Jenner’s Full Lips

Kylie Jenner's Lips

There's been a lot of speculation around Kylie Jenner's lips lately. Has the 17-year-old had surgery? Has she had injections? Or is she just really good at doing her makeup? Well if you guessed the first two, you're wrong. There's a reason you never see her without some major lipstick on