DIY Dry Shampoo

DIY Dry Shampoo

Greasy hair can be a serious problem when you’re running late and don’t have time to wash it in the morning. That’s why dry shampoo has become every girl’s new best friend. But what happens if you ever run out of said best friend?

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Your day is pretty much ruined. So, here’s a simple DIY recipe to make your own dry shampoo at home so you never run out again.

What you’ll need:

  • Corn starch or baby powder (if you have darker hair and don’t want a white cast to show up you can use cocoa powder)
  • Empty spice bottle
  • Essential oils

DIY Dry Shampoo

  1. Start off by pouring enough corn starch or baby powder that will fit into your spice bottle into a bowl. The powder will help to absorb the oils in your hair.
  2. Add in a few drops of your chosen essential oils. This will add a nice scent to the powder. If you’re using cocoa powder there’s no need to add in the oils. Cocoa already smells nice.
  3. Stir together.
  4. Pour the powder into the spice bottle, you might need a funnel for this.

And that’s it! Just shake the product into the roots of your hair when you need it, rub it in, and you’re good to go.

Images via, and

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