Ever feel zapped of inspiration? Creatively challenged? Or somewhat lost? We all do at times but I’ve found the best way to overcome these feelings is to pick the brain of those of around us and you never know what inspiration may arise.
Each week, style etcetera will feature a blogger that we enjoy, look up to and that certainly has their creative juices flowing… all in the name of style – and blogging, of course.
MORE: Blogger Spotlight: Emily Dick Of Why Hello Beauty
Your name and the name of your blog:
Lucy Waring, editor of and LulabelleLifestyle.com
What prompted you to start this blog?
There were a few reasons but the main one was to fulfill my passion for writing and photography. Now, my days are filled doing the things I love and feeling passionate about what I do for once!
Is it your full-time gig?
Blogging is my full-time job throughout the week, even weekends the blog gets some action! Prior to starting my blog I worked as a qualified chartered surveyor in London but, upon moving to Singapore, the property job market was very tight and the jobs which came up were few and far between. Therefore, after trying a couple of jobs in property which just weren’t for me in any way, I decided to give my creative side a go and make a career out of blogging. So far so good!
Where do you find your inspiration?
I find my inspiration all around me. Whether it’s from conversations with my boyfriend, family or friends or what I see out and about in shops or online I find things, which excite and thrill me and allow me to delve into them a little deeper for the blog. My main aim of the blog is to provide some handy hints and tips for others so it works as their helpful go to site for all things lifestyle.
What is your favourite thing to blog about?
That is a tough question…I’m probably going to have to narrow it down to two things: the first being my travel posts. When I travel, I love hearing other people’s tips and recommendations and always find they provide the best advice rather than sponsored ads in the guidebooks. So I try and give my readers honest and up front reviews of where I’ve been and what I’ve done plus this gives me the opportunity to showcase my travel photos.
My second equally favourite thing to blog about is fashion – this one took me by surprise. I am very much someone who only buys items I like and not what is being touted as the “next trend”. However, my weekly Friday Fashion Fix posts allow me to keep up to date with fashion and on-trend. Bonus.
What has been your biggest blog win so far?
Ooh, another tricky one. Well a major fist-pumping event occurred back in the summer when I wrote a review on an author, who is now one of my favourites, and she actually tweeted me back about my review saying how much she loved it and loved my blog and would like to meet up when I am back in London. We have since been keeping in touch via email but unfortunately we just missed each other when I was back in London town in October but we are hoping to arrange a meeting in the new year! Very exciting.
Did you have a mentor and/or regularly network?
Being the only one of my friends who blogs, I didn’t have an existing blogging network but this is something I have really enjoyed building up. I find guest blogging is the best way to do this and through having some wonderful bloggers post on Lulabelle Lifestyle and through me writing for them I have met some pretty awesome ladies who have shown me there is a lot of kindness left in the world. I am also organising a networking event in Singapore for bloggers to get out from behind their computers and meet people in their industry so I am hoping to meet some more inspiring people in person.
What is your biggest stumbling block?
Definitely time! I used to be someone who whilst sitting in an office counted down the minutes until the end of the day until I could leave, now the days fly by and I honestly don’t know where it goes. There is always something to do whether it is writing, photography, editing, design improvements or networking.
What are your goals for the future?
My goal with the blog is to build a career where I will be able to financially support my family and myself whilst continuing to fulfill my passions and maybe release a book one day and even an online shop!
What advice would you give to someone starting out on their blogging journey?
I have a few bits of advice for those of you out there thinking of starting a blog and I wrote a post on it which you can see if you click here but my main mantra is keep going, work hard and most of all enjoy yourself!!