Summer is well on the way and while many of us want to slim our saddle bags and tone our tummies, sometimes we forget one of our most important ASSets (yeah, I did). Our butts often lose weight with the rest of our body, leaving us with a pancake in the back.
MORE: Serious Fitness Motivation In Time For Summer
Not only will working your tushie give you that firm butt you’re after, it will also work your legs to keep them lean and help to reduce cellulite that many of us get.
Do yourself, and your bikini, a favour and try some exercises that target tone your butt to keep it pert and round. There are a range of exercises that work out your gluteus maximus and no, they’re not just squats.
Add some weight to your squats with a bar or dumbells to work your butt. Ensure you have the correct position, with knees behind the toes and back straight and use your butt to squeeze as you come up. There are so many variations of this that you can use to work different areas of your butt and legs like placing feet wider in a plie or sumo squat, placing feet closer for a ski squat, using dumbells, weighted barbells or kettle bells for goblet or dead lift squats.

Single-leg hip raises
Lie face up on the floor with one leg bent and the other straight. Lift the straight leg so that it is in line with the bent thigh and squeezing tight, raise you hips off the floor, keeping the straight leg elevated. Slowly lower back down to the start position and repeat.

No, dead lifts are not simply a man’s exercise. Start with a lower weight and slowly progress higher as the reps become easier. Place the bar on the floor, and find a comfortable grip, hands not too close together. Keeping your back straight and holding onto the weight, stand up, thrusting your hips forward and squeezing your glutes.

Tone your butt and thighs by performing step ups on a platform or plyometrics box. Start with no weights and as these become easier, add dumbells. As you step up, you can bicep curl the dumbells for an extra upper body burn. You can also do side step ups to work the inner thighs.

Donkey kicks
Kneeling on the floor, place your hands down so that you shoulders are above your wrists. Keeping your knee bent, lift one leg so that your foot almost touches your butt. For a more advanced move, place a dumbell in the crevice of your knee and hold it tight by keeping your leg bent and complete the exercise. Add some pulses with the weight to really work you butt and give you extra definition.

Glute kick-backs
Similar to the donkey kick, get on all fours but when kicking you leg back, keep it straight. Add some pulses to really feel that fire. This is also great for your legs.

Curtsy lunges
Perform this lunge by standing with feet a little wider than hip width apart. Cross one leg behind the other like a curtsy and really lunge deep. Only place toes on the floor and lean slightly forward with your back straight.You could also add some dumbells.

Single-leg deadlifts
A single leg deadlift is very similar to a normal deadlift. Holding a barbell or dumbells and keeping your back straight, lean forward, lifting on leg behind you as you do. Bring the leg back in as you stand back up to the starting position.

Booty kicks
Standing tall with your hands on your hips, keeping your weight in the standing leg. Lift the other leg behind you as high as possible without leaning too far forward. Lower your leg, but don’t let it touch the ground and repeat.

Lunges are a great burn for the legs and butt. Add a weight for extra burn or try walking lunges instead of just standing ones. Remember to keep knees at a 90 degree angle, not letting your knee fall over your toe.

Images via womenshealthmag.com, shape.com and pinterest.com